Monday, November 16, 2020

What are you really into?

 Throughout my life I have had many hobbies but I always leave them for different reasons, but what I have liked the most throughout my life is riding a bicycle because I can feel the wind in my face and pass between cars or very narrow places even if it is dangerous. 

When I was little I loved to ride my bike, I used to do bmx and downhill but I stopped doing bmx because my bmx was stolen and then I sold my new bmx to have a downhill bike but I broke it after a week because I fell jumping with it. I remember that I had never felt so much physical pain as that day before but I held on and put on a hoodie to hide the blood on my arms so that my mother would not nag me.

Now in quarantine mode I have returned to using my bike that is no longer bmx or downhill, is a fixie so it's somewhat calm and it has helped me a lot in not having to use public transport. I think we should all use a bicycle to get around because it is cheaper and healthier, but it is no use being healthy if a reckless car driver is going to run you over, so I hope those bully car attitudes change so that we can all enjoy of riding a bicycle.

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