Monday, May 18, 2020

My autobiography

My name is Rina Montenegro. I was born on September 13, 1999 in Santiago de Chile. I am 20 years old. I live with my family that is made up of my mom and two little sisters. I played basketball in my school and in a gym in my commune, but I got injured and stopped playing because I was lazy. I also went to Math competitions at my school, which I attended throughout my schooling. When I started to study Civil Industrial Engineering at USACH I realized that it was not my thing and I changed to Architecture at Universidad de Chile.  Before the pandemic I used to do photo sessions to people and do stand up comedy in bars in Santiago . I currently podcast on  Spotify and suffer with online classes hoping that all this happens and that we have all learned something to build a better society.


  1. Hi Rina! I like to listen to podcast on spotify, so I want to know the name of yours.

    1. Hi Jose! Cuma Inducido and Crónicas Precarias

  2. Hi Rina, how are you?? i like your podcast on spotify

  3. what's the name of your podcast? :o

  4. Amazing, is so cool the stand up comedy

  5. I listen to your podcast and i love it, you are very funny!
